November 1, 2024 Volume XXII, Issue VI
The second pre-submission meeting was held Thursday October 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. The owners of the property invited the community to a second meeting, which was not a required meeting. The application is for a Conditional Use of a go-cart track on land zoned Rural Residential. The stated purpose of the meeting was “to facilitate this follow-up meeting as a gesture of good will toward the community.”
The meeting was conducted by Sang Oh, attorney for the owner, Charles “Chris” Siperko who attended and answered questions. Rob Vogel, project engineer also attended.
Attending from GHCA board/zoning committee: Dan O’Leary, Paul Collison, Charlotte Williams, Hilda Mathieu, and Kelly Frazier. Other GHCA members were in attendance.
Following are notes made by Dan and Charlotte. We encourage comments on what we may have missed or misunderstood. There was a good bit of people talking over others.
- About 62 attendees according to an attendee who counted.
- A documentary film maker from Baltimore, Scott Evans, was at the meeting, he said he was freelance and saw the notice and decided to film it. He said he was not paid or invited to film.
- Siperko said he is not using the track till approved. County asked them to stop using track after video was made and posted on Face book. Siperko said the audio on video was enhanced. {Other authorities we consulted said audio on video is not enhanced by zooming in.}
- Dan asked if they would provide the linear distance of the track within the 100-ft setback, and the total area occupied by the track. Sang Oh declined, saying it was not required.
- Dan offered that he had scaled 95 linear ft of track in the buffer, and that the track comprised about 3 acres of the 11-acre parcel. {Fish Bowl article said it is 1/2 Mile}
- It was revealed by Rob Vogel, engineer, to Dan that they would moving the track back from the 100-ft. buffer to the east side of the property. This would be as a result of urging by DPZ and would comprise the second revision of the site plan to include additional landscape buffering.
- Oh estimated that the first hearing would be maybe Feb/Mar.
- MD Dept, of Environment, (MDE) is on hold until the CU application is decided.
- OH admitted that there was some kind of court or hearing action where Siperko had been found guilty of some violation and fine had been paid. He said he did not remember how much.
- Microplastics contaminating ground water shed from tires was brought up.
- Siperko has a helicopter which he apparently landed in the area. Says he has no intention using it at the property. He has a hanger elsewhere.
- GO Cart, LLC is for son’s racing – financial protection – not for track
- When questioned about the complete lack of approvals, zoning, environmental and otherwise, Siperko said he did an Internet search and could find no requirements for go-cart tracks, and his paving contractor told him no permits were required.
- If track is not paved – no rules broken, it would be permitted according to Sang Oh. {GHCA doesn’t think so}
- Conditions of approval – Siperko considering limiting CU to his ownership. Normally CU conveys with the property to subsequent owners Siperko did not commit to this, but will:
- limit hours & users (2 kids & coach, son and friends)
- No lighting.
- Permit will be for EV only
- DPZ Technical Staff Report (TSR) – Will be published 7 days before hearing according to the Regs.
- No copyright on track design
- Joel Hurewitz – Columbia – Asked why the 500-ft setback in M-2 should not be applied here. OH: no answer.
- Question: are we establishing a precedent for paved track in the RR zone? Sang Oh: “probably.”
- Cistern/spring fresh water system not operating- pipes have collapsed.
- What bio- retention – too early to say – state & county regs prevail.
- No fencing required.
- If use changes or wanted, CU process must be repeated.
- Maintenance is Siperko’s responsibility – like a driveway.
- He will not heat track.
- Lithium battery fire difficult to control.
- Violations must be policed by neighbors. HOCO is complaint-driven.
- Docs available in ProjectDox.
GHCA will continue to monitor developments. The GHCA board has voted to support the immediate neighbors and strongly oppose approval of this inappropriate, illegal use in our Rural Residential Zone, and to insure that all environmental violations are uncovered and remediated.
Note: The Baltimore Fish Bowl published an article with a good photo of the track on Oct. 25:
The Patch/Sun also published an article on Oct. 30.
GHCA board activity:
The board discussed filling a vacant seat on the board. Several candidates were identified and discussed. These seats will be voted on in the next membership meetings.
The future and the revitalization of GHCA activities following a slowdown in membership activities resulting from COVID was discussed. The discussion centered on answering the following questions:
- Do we have leadership with the energy and drive to commit to minimal goals for success and sustainability? Yes, having identified several potential board members, we would have the necessary leadership.
- Maintaining membership of at least 60 dues-paying members. Yes, this is achievable by the end of the year. Members paying this year would be paid up through 2025.
- Can we stage successful membership meetings: Quarterly meetings at least. plus an annual picnic at Hi-Land Farm? Yes, the meetings would be held in Feb, May, August, and November with the May meeting a picnic BBQ at Hi-Land Farm. A number of good meeting themes emerged. Details to follow.
- Can we publish a regular newsletter, quarterly, at least, preceding the membership meetings (We need Contributors?) Yes, Dan will continue as editor, but he needs others to send in items for publication.
Conclusion: We can do all these things and revitalize the association with the continued efforts of the leadership.
Membership Drive: During 2023-24 we had 63 due-paying members. We have had a flurry of membership renewals, and we are appreciative, but we need all those from 2023 to renew. The board voted to extend any renewal in 2024 through 2025. So, please go to the website and renew through PayPal or send your check and info to:
PO Box 412
Highland MD 20777.
We’ve created the Greater Highland Crossroads Association Facebook group. Please join up to see the latest news on events, happenings, meetings, your neighbors and everything else Highland. Its free, useful, entertaining. You don’t have to be a member of GHCA to join the Facebook group. Go to: